
This experience has further cemented Kayla Rail's enthusiasm for STEM outreach and its importance in the future of education.

Are you intrigued by the wonders of science, captivated by technological advancements, fascinated by clever design, or enticed by puzzles?

It’s no secret science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) subjects are the driving force behind innovation, progress, and economic growth […]

The CyberTaipan Young Women’s Career Tour provides passionate young minds with female role models in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

There’s a powerful woman who’s been inspiring and exciting children for over six decades: the iconic Barbie! The plastic powerhouse […]

Jess has found her calling, yet her journey didn't always point toward a career in STEM.

Little did Tash Jamieson know that by attempting to infuse enjoyment into her stepson’s study routine, she was laying the […]