5 jobs you might not know use STEM 

June 20th, 2024

When you think about jobs heavy on science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), you may think of endless hours staring at numbers and figures. But think again.

Musicians, athletes and zookeepers are just some of the career paths that may not be seen as traditionally STEM-focused, but they all use STEM skills. Read on to discover how these five jobs use STEM.


In the world of music, musicians use STEM in a number of different ways to create their tunes: 

  • Music Theory: Uses mathematical concepts that help analyse and create structures, harmonies, rhythm, and composition of music. For example, rhythmic patterns in music are often expressed as fractions called time signatures (such as 4/4). These time signatures mathematically describe the number of beats within a bar. 
  • Acoustic Science: Helps musicians and sound engineers create the perfect sound and ensure that instruments and environments produce the best acoustics. 
  • Physics and Engineering: Used to design and manufacture musical instruments with the highest quality sounds. 
  • Technology: Vital for DJs and producers, who blend sound design with technology to create electronic beats. Software programs are used called Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) that enable recording, editing and mixing. 

Becoming an athlete involves more than just talent. In order to compete at the top of their game, athletes use STEM to fine-tune their bodies for peak performance: 

  • Nutritional Science: Ensures athletes are properly fuelled for competition and recovery. For example, before endurance events like marathons or long-distance running, athletes often engage in a practice called carbohydrate loading. In the days leading up to the event, an athlete will increase the carbohydrate intake in their diet which increases the energy stored in their muscles, allowing for longer physical exertion.  
  • Biomechanics: Analyses body movements to refine and perfect techniques whilst also preventing injuries. 
  • Data Analysis: Track performance metrics to identify areas for improvement and enhance strategies. In motorsports like Formula One, data such as fuel consumption and lap times are used to optimise the cars performance and in-race strategies through real-time telemetry and simulations. 
  • Sports Medicine and Psychology: Uses biology, medicine and psychological principles to optimise physical and mental health. 

Zookeeper jobs use STEM to ensure that every aspect of an animal’s wellbeing is taken care of: 

  • Nutritional Science: Zookeepers customise diets based on species, age and health status to ensure that animals receive proper nutrition for their wellbeing. 
  • Habitat Design and Engineering: Used to create habitats that mimic natural environments to ensure good physical and mental health of the animals. 
  • Biology and Zoology: Applied to understand the animal’s behaviour and needs. 
  • Veterinary Science: Provides medical care tailored to each species, ensuring the best health and wellbeing. 

STEM is important in helping detectives solve their cases as efficiently and effectively as possible: 

  • Forensic Science: Uses biology and chemistry to analyse fingerprints, blood and DNA samples crucial to investigations. 
  • Physics: Helps determine the mechanics of how a crime occurred and reconstruct events. 
  • Data Analysis and Statistics: Identifies trends and patterns in crime data, helping detectives make informed decisions and predict future issues. 
  • Engineering and Technology: Supports crime scene investigation with tools and methods for evidence collection and analysis. 

Everyone loves a good movie, whether it features dragons, historical settings, costumes or animation. But have you ever wondered how movies are made? 

  • Visual Effects (VFX) and Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI): Uses technology to create visual effects and CGI, enhancing creativity and reducing production costs and time. For example, Avatar, the highest grossing film of all time, used groundbreaking VFX and CGI to create visually stunning characters and settings. 
  • Engineering: Crucial in designing and manufacturing set designs and props that enhance the authenticity and storytelling of the movie. 
  • Sound Engineering: Helps create immersive and believable sounds and music that help enhance the quality of the film. 
  • Animation and Motion Capture: Uses technology to create animated films and to capture realistic movements for CGI characters.