CSIRO Mafic-Ultramafic Geochemical Data Collection

ContactSteve Barnes, Anusuriya Devaraju
Data AccessThere are two ways to access the data

1. CSV Download via the CSIRO Data Access Portal

2. XT Data Discovery Portal

About this collection

The CSIRO mafic-ultramafic collection includes whole-rock geochemical data collected from CSIRO research projects from the mid-1980s to 2021. The data set includes over 7400 samples, primarily from the Archean of Western Australia, with a heavy bias towards komatiites and immediately associated rocks and nickel sulphide ores. Most of the data were collected as part of research projects related to exploring magmatic sulphide nickel-copper ore deposits. The data set also includes samples from mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks in the Halls Creek and Albany-Fraser orogens.