
$ummer Weed Tool Edwards, E., Ouzman, J., Oliver, Y., & Llewellyn, R. (2024). $ummerWeed Tool: predicting the profitability of summer weed control […]

23rd Australasian Weeds Conference
Breaking the Cycle: Towards Sustainable Weed Management Brisbane, August 25-29 2024 Click here to view the full conference proceedings

Adoption of integrated weed management increases cropping system resilience to new weed incursions and resistance
Weeds cost Australian crop growers over A$3B annually in lost yield revenue and expenditure on controlling existing weeds. The invasion […]

Sharing responsibility for managing roadside weeds
Roadside weeds affect landscape-scale weed management and are consistently raised as a concern by weeds has been identified as vital […]

Opportunities and challenges for improved management of mobile cropping weeds
The potential for weeds, seeds, and herbicide resistance genes to move across paddock and farm boundaries is well known and […]

Using population genetics to understand weed movement in the context of area wide management
Herbicide resistance is a growing threat to agricultural production with increasing numbers of weed species becoming resistant to key herbicides. […]

Grower attitudes and practices toward area-wide management of cropping weeds in Australia
The mobility of weeds, use of biological controls and spread of herbicide resistance mean that weed management is a landscape-scale […]

Meanings, materials and competences of area-wide weed management in cropping systems
This paper uses Social Practice Theory (SPT) as a framework to understand how cropping land managers engage with the practices of AWWM, and what the drivers and barriers are to their participation.

Glyphosate resistance in mobile weeds across land uses: implications for area wide management of weeds
Weeds that have the ability to rapidly disperse across the landscape can create ongoing problems for individual land managers. Efforts […]

Opportunities for area-wide management of cropping weeds: a survey of growers in Australia
The mobility of weeds, use of biological controls and spread of herbicide resistance mean that weed management is a landscape-scale […]