
Dried Fruits Australia Field Walk looking at an Mallee Sustainable Farming Weedicide Trial in Vic
Michael Moodie is joined by Daryn Gardner, Dried Fruits Grower and Landholder, along with Dr Chris Preston, Adelaide Uni to […]

Roadside slashing a good option in addressing weeds
Addressing feathertop Rhodes grass on roadsides via frequent and timely slashing could be an option for managing this weed.

Weed movement tracked to help inform management plans
DNA detective work is helping to better understand and map the movement of key weed species in a bid to improve management and direct future research.

Cross-sector collaboration helps combat herbicide resistance
The battle against herbicide resistance is bringing together stakeholders from across a diverse range of agriculture and horticulture industries.

A problem shared is a problem halved when it comes to roadside weeds
A collaboration between researchers, public and private land managers is making inroads into roadside weed control.

Good neighbours work beyond the boundary fenceline to help combat the spread of weeds
A community-wide commitment to effective weed control practices for problem weeds, such as flaxleaf fleabane, is crucial to protecting the diverse range of agricultural industries across the Sunraysia region.

Beyond the fenceline | An area wide approach to weed management
One thing all farms have in common is weeds. Growers across cropping, horticulture and viticulture are participating in a project […]

What’s holding back area-wide management?
Although many grain growers believe area-wide weed management has benefits, they are equally concerned over its potential costs – with time constraints the biggest worry. New social science research is uncovering why, in a bid to help design and implement better management strategies.

Farmer attitudes to Area Wide Management of weeds in Sunraysia
A novel approach to weed management in Australia is being investigated with the start of a project that aims to research the management, economic and social benefits of tackling weeds on a broader scale.

Guidelines for managing hard-to-control weeds along Australian roadsides
Guidelines have been developed for managing weeds on Australia's 1.75 million km of roadside vegetation.