Contact us
For More information contact
Dr Everard Edwards
- Primary
- Phone 1+61 8 8303 8649

Dr Rick Llewellyn
- Primary
- Phone 1+61 8 8303 8502

Dr Yvette Oliver
- Primary
- Phone 1+61 8 9333 6469
The $ummer weed tool was developed by CSIRO through the support of the GRDC projects CSP2201-005RTX; CSP1911-005RMX; DAW00257 and contributions from CSIRO, WA DPIRD and the University of Adelaide. We acknowledge SquareV for the development of the App; and Birchip Cropping Group, Air EP, Mallee Sustainable Farming and the CSIRO Boorowa Agricultural Research Station and Waite Farming Systems team for running trials.