Workspace 7.0.2

Send a QByteArray over as a ZMQ request

  • Default label: "ZMQ Request Many"
  • Member of plug-in: Zmq
  • Catalogue path: Zmq
RequestsCSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectDictionaryEach entry in the dictionary should be a nested ObjectDictionary with an 'Address' and 'Request' item. The key for each of these nested dictionaries is reflected in the results ObjectDictionary.
IdentityQStringSet ZMQ_IDENTITY on the socket.
TimeoutintTimeout in seconds. Use -1 to indicate no timeout.
Metadata JSONQJsonDocumentOptional JSON passed as metadata of the message. Can be used for process locks and other settings.
ProfilingboolEnable profiling will retrieve profiling information in meta data.
Abort on failureboolAbort execution if any of the requests fail or timeout. If disabled, partial results will be retured.
Expect ObjectDictionary repliesbool

If true, this operation assumes the QByteArray replies from each request are encoded ObjectDictionaries. In this case the 'Replies' output will be an ObjectDictionary of ObjectDictionaries. If false then then each reply is returned as the raw QByteArray received (ie. No type information).


Replies metaCSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectDictionary