Workspace 7.0.2

Creates a SuperquadricGlypher; a glypher that creates superquadric particles at each node in a MeshModel. Superquadric particles are particles that have a shape determined by the superquadric equations. The parameters determining the shape of each node's superquadric particle are extracted from the node's state data.

  • Default label: "SuperquadricGlypher builder"
  • Member of plug-in: Rendering
  • Catalogue path: Scene/Glyphers

IntervalintIf greater than one, only render every Xth particle.
Interval state nameQString

Radius state nameQString

Radius state enabledbool

Default radiusCSIRO::Mesh::Vector3dGroup

Orientation state nameQString

Orientation state enabledbool

Shape state nameQString

Shape state enabledbool

Default shapedouble

SubdivisionsintThe number of times each face of the base superquadric will be subdivided in order to create a higher quality mesh. A larger number will result in better looking glyphs, at the cost of performance.
Texture co-ordinate typeCSIRO::Rendering::SuperquadricMesher::TextureCoords

Shape tolerancedouble
