Workspace 7.0.2

Creates a new StreakGlypher; a glypher that draws a "streak" at each node. A streak is effectively a visual representation of the distance that a particle has moved between two (or more) frames. To use the glypher, a ParticleTimeline must be supplied.

  • Default label: "StreakGlypher builder"
  • Member of plug-in: Rendering
  • Catalogue path: Scene/Glyphers

IntervalintIf greater than zero, only every Xth particle will be drawn.
Particle timelineCSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectDictionaryThe ParticleTimeline is a DataCollection containing arrays of particle information at each relevant timestep that the particles are involved in. The glypher uses the ParticleTimeline to render streaks between the sets of particles.
Radius state nameQString

Color state nameQString

Default radiusdouble

Default colorQColor

Level of detailintA higher level-of-detail means a higher quality streak glyph.
Maximum drawable length in z directiondoubleRestricts the length of streaks.
Scale factordoubleAllows streaks to be scaled down or scaled up, which can be useful for complex visual scenes.
Draw as trailingbool
