Workspace 7.0.2

Creates a SpotLight; a light that radiates from a single point in a Scene, such that the emitted light is confined to an expanding cone, oriented in a user-specified direction. The cone of light is controlled by three inputs: 1) The Cutoff angle, which defines the maximum extent of the cone outside which no light is emitted, 2) the Fade angle, which defines an inner cone inside which the intensity of light is homogenous, and 3) the Edge fall off, which defines the rate at which the intensity of light decreases between the inner cone defind by Fade angle, and the outer cone defined by Edge fall off.

  • Default label: "Spot light builder"
  • Member of plug-in: Rendering
  • Catalogue path: Scene/Lights
EnabledboolIf enabled, the light will be active in the Scene.
IntensitydoubleConvenience control for reducing the light's intensity. A value of 0.0 means the light is not emitting, and a value of 1.0 means that 100% of the specified color is being emitted.

Edge fall offdoubleThe rate at which the intensity of the light decreases between the Fade angle (inside which light is solid) and the Cutoff angle (outside which no light is emitted)
Cutoff angledoubleThe angle that defines a cone of light, originating from the light source outward. The SpotLight does not emit any light outside the cone defined by this angle.
Fade angledoubleThe angle that defines a cone of light, outside of which the light begins to fade in intensity. The drop-off rate is controlled by the Edge fall off input.
Transform matrixCSIRO::Mesh::TransformMatrix

Attenuation factorsArraydouble

Controls how the light intensity decreases relative to the distance from the light source.

Spot lightCSIRO::Rendering::Transform