Workspace 7.0.2

Smooth a MeshModelInterface, reducing the jagged-ness of its surface. There are multiple methods available for smoothing, and the operation allows the user to select which one they'd like to use.

  • Default label: "Smooth Mesh"
  • Member of plug-in: Mesh
  • Catalogue path: Mesh

Smooth methodCSIRO::Mesh::SmoothMeshMethod

Smooth factordoubleHigher values result in a smoother surface, but may result in a greater loss of detail.
Smooth iterationsintMore iterations of smoothing can result in a more refined surface. Note that more interations will require additional computational resources.
Preserve free edgesboolIf enabled, free (non-manifoled) edges are preserved in the smoothing operation.
Save node statesbool

The values of node states are preserved (and also smoothed) in the final mesh.
