Workspace 7.0.2

Schedule a workflow remotely

  • Default label: "Schedule Workflow"
  • Member of plug-in: Parallel & remote execution
  • Catalogue path: RemoteExecution

Workflow nameQStringThe name used to identify the scheduled workflow. If empty the label of the object connected to the 'Workflow' input is used.
Server nameQStringSpecify the host name or IP of a remote server. This should match one listed in the remote scheduler settings. Leaving this empty will result in scheduling to any available remote server.
Used plugins onlyboolOnly load plugins that are explicitly being used in the workflow.
Wait for startboolWait until the remote scheduled workflow starts execution.
Generate new UUIDboolGenerate new workflow UUID, otherwise, it'll reuse the connected workflow UUID.
Start detachedboolRun workflow in the Queue on the remote server. This allows the client to exit earlier than the scheduled workflow finishes without causing the scheduled workflow to abort.
Require outputboolWhen schedule a workflow with any output of a data type not supporting serialization, the result won't be used in the WaitWorkflow. Mark this true to detect such scenario early. By default, only a warning write to log to help identify this.
Max retry countintThe maximum retry count allowed for the request on the scheduler. Use -1 to indicate no limit.
Start timeoutintTimeout in milliseconds for waiting the request to start. Use -1 to indicate no limit. This only take effect when 'Wait for start' is checked.
Report interval in secondsintReport waiting for the scheduled job to start at an interval in seconds.
Scheduler settingsQJsonDocument

Specify scheduler settings to override settings on the remote server.

Option Default Description
debugWithGui false set to true will launch the workflow on remote side with a Workspace editor.
notifyMail [] [ "email@address", "another@email.address" ] send notification mail at the end of execution.
logCategory {}

{ "log category name": bool } override log settings on the server side.

Scheduler featuresQStringList

Specify a list of scheduler features for the workflow. In the format of 'featurename[:count]', count would be 0 if omitted.
