Workspace 7.0.2

Runs a user-defined R Script.

  • Default label: "Run R Script"
  • Member of plug-in: Data analysis
  • Catalogue path: Scripting
  • Polymorphic: RunRScript is a Polymorphic Operation. One or more of its inputs and outputs are not listed below because they are created dynamically whenever the operation changes its data type, and when it is first created.
R runtimeQStringSet to the location of the user-installed R runtime.
R script fileQStringSet to the location of a user-defined R script in a file.
R scriptQStringEnter user-defined R script directly as an input, this will be saved to a temporary file before execution.
Log fileQStringLogging generated from script execution will be written to this file.
Output fileQStringIf supplied, this value is passed to the runtime as an environment variable as SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILENAME.The script itself must read this value and output data to this file.
Working directoryQString

Environment variablesArrayQString



Wait for completionbool

Capture outputbool

Log outputbool

Fail on non zero exit codebool

Exit codeint

Command outputQString

Log outputQString

Script output fileQString

Script outputQString