Workspace 7.0.2

Reduces the size of an ArrayNd (an array with N dimensions) by executing a QtScript over a specific range. For example, if an ArrayNd object has 4 dimensions (X, Y, Z, W) with lengths (2, 3, 4, 5), we could average over each cell along the W dimension to produce a reduced array of size (2, 3, 4, 1) - essentially a 3 dimensional array.

  • Default label: "ReduceArrayNdWithScript"
  • Member of plug-in: Data analysis
  • Catalogue path: Data analysis/Arrays
DataCSIRO::DataAnalysis::ArrayNdThe input dataset to reduce.
RangeArrayCSIRO::DataAnalysis::NamedDimensionRangeThe dimensions we wish to have reduced out of our dataset. Each of these dimensions will have only a single element in the output dataset.
Range (array)CSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectArrayAn array of dimensions we wish to have reduced out of our dataset. Identical to "Range" but the NamedDimensionRange objects are contained in a single ObjectArray.

Reduced dataCSIRO::DataAnalysis::ArrayNd