Workspace 7.0.2

Creates a new PlotItem from two DataSeries. A PlotItem controls how a single 2D data set is represented on a Plot. As a Plot can display multiple DataSeries', the PlotItem allows each DataSeries shown to be configured individually.

  • Default label: "Plot item builder"
  • Member of plug-in: Data analysis
  • Catalogue path: Data analysis/Plot2D

Source XCSIRO::DataAnalysis::DataSeriesThe data series to use for the X values of each vertex in the PlotItem.
Source YCSIRO::DataAnalysis::DataSeriesThe data series to use for the Y values of each vertex in the PlotItem.
Source colorCSIRO::DataAnalysis::DataSeriesThe data series that controls the color of each vertex in the PlotItem. NOTE: This will only take effect if the Line style input is set to NoLine.
Color modeCSIRO::DataAnalysis::PlotItem::ColorMode

ColorQColorThe color to use for every vertex in the PlotItem. NOTE: Does not take effect if a DataSeries is connected to the Source color input.
Color scaleCSIRO::DataAnalysis::ColorScale

Line modeCSIRO::DataAnalysis::PlotItem::LineModeControls whether one single line is drawn through all points, or an alternative method.
Line styleCSIRO::DataAnalysis::PlotItem::LineStyleControls how the style of rendering used for the line; solid, dotted etc.
Line typeCSIRO::DataAnalysis::PlotItem::LineTypeControls the shape of the line; how it changes between vertices.
GlyphCSIRO::DataAnalysis::PlotItem::GlyphIf set, a glyph is placed at each vertex.
LabelQStringSets the label of the item. This is the text that will appear in the legend.
Include in legendboolIf set, the PlotItem will appear in the legend.
Anti-aliasboolControls whether the line is rendered using multi-sample anti-aliasing, to make the line appear smoother.
Integer pairs of sub-sections to renderQVector<int>An array of integers, each pair of which specifies a range of data values to render. This allows the PlotItem to exclude sections from being rendered.
Render plot linebool

If enabled, the plot line will be rendered on the final plot.

Plot itemCSIRO::DataAnalysis::PlotItem

A PlotItem, representing a set of data points in two dimensions. Connect this to a PlotBuilder to display it on a Plot.