Workspace 7.0.2

This operation repeatedly executes the workflow and provides the ability to aggregate all elements in an ObjectArray.

  • Default label: "ObjectArray loop"
  • Member of plug-in: Built-in
  • Catalogue path: Builtin/Loops
Enable loopboolIf true, the loop will execute multiple iterations, based on its control inputs. If false, the loop will execute a single iteration only.
WrapboolIf true, once the loop has completed its final iteration and satisfies its termination condition, it will restart executing from the first iteration again. This can be useful for UI-driven applications where continuous (but repeating) feedback loops are required.
Aggregated resultCSIRO::DataExecution::Dependency

First iteration?CSIRO::DataExecution::Dependency


Array valueCSIRO::DataExecution::Dependency

Object arrayCSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectArray

The ObjectArray consisting of data to be aggregated in some manner.

Aggregated resultCSIRO::DataExecution::Dependency