Workspace 7.0.2

Creates a new ObjectArray, populating it with the provided array of data objects. The ObjectArray will be created with a factory restriction corresponding to the data type that the user has selected when creating the operation (in the "Data" tab of the properties dialog).See also: Understanding Object Array Builder

  • Default label: "Object array builder"
  • Member of plug-in: Built-in
  • Catalogue path: Builtin/Objects
  • Polymorphic: ObjectArrayBuilder is a Polymorphic Operation. One or more of its inputs and outputs are not listed below because they are created dynamically whenever the operation changes its data type, and when it is first created.
Reset accumulationCSIRO::DataExecution::Dependency

Accumulate each updateboolIf enabled, each time the operation is executed, it adds the array of data objects (on the Items to add input) to the ObjectArray.
Store copy of itemsboolIf enabled, copies of the items (rather than references to the items) will be added to the Array. This means that the ObjectArray will own its data.
Items to addArray Modified-in-placeint

The array of data objects to add to the ObjectArray. The objects will be appended to the array in index order.
