Workspace 7.0.2

  • Default label: "MQTT Publish"
  • Member of plug-in: Mqtt
  • Catalogue path: Mqtt
HostQStringThe hostname or ip address of the broker to connect to
PortintThe network port to connect to. Usually 1883
Keep aliveintThe number of seconds after which the broker should send a PING message to the client if no other messages have been exchanged in that time
User nameQStringWhen a username is provided, only the matching credential will be used. When '*' is used or left empty, the system will attempt all available credentials until it finds one that can connect to the broker. In both cases, an attempt to connect anonymously would be a last resort if no other credentials are accepted.
TopicQStringTopic to publish
DataQByteArrayData to publish
Quality of ServiceintInteger value 0, 1 or 2 indicating the Quality of Service to be used for the message.

set to true to make the message retained.