Workspace 7.0.2

Modifies an existing ObjectGroup (of a user-defined sub-type), modifying individual component values. This can make changing small parts of existing ObjectGroups much easier than using DecomposeGroup / ComposeGroup repeatedly, as it requires far fewer connections. To use the operation, select the type of ObjectGroup you wish to modify (via the properties dialog), and then (also via the properties dialog) select the named sub-components of the object you wish to set. If sub-components are themselves ObjectGroups, the operation will also allow you to directly modify sub-components of those object groups.

  • Default label: "Modify group"
  • Member of plug-in: Built-in
  • Catalogue path: Builtin/Objects
  • Polymorphic: ModifyGroup is a Polymorphic Operation. One or more of its inputs and outputs are not listed below because they are created dynamically whenever the operation changes its data type, and when it is first created.
Object groupModified-in-placeCSIRO::DataExecution::EmptyGroup

Populate inputs from object groupQDateTime

Whenever this input is triggered, the inputs that are dynamically created on this operation will have their values copied in from the input ObjectGroup. This allows single values to be modified without necessarily changing all of the other values every time.

Object groupCSIRO::DataExecution::EmptyGroup