Workspace 7.0.2

Merges two MeshModels together, combining all of their nodes, elements and state data in a single MeshModelInterface. Optionally, the operation can be used in an interactive way (inside a loop), accumulating model data with each iteration.

  • Default label: "Merge models"
  • Member of plug-in: Mesh
  • Catalogue path: Mesh
Accumulate on first modelboolAccumulation is performed by adding model data to the first index of the first non-empty item in the Mesh model inputs, considered in the order "Mesh model", "Mesh model arrays", "Mesh model".
Accumulate across iterationsboolAccumulates model data, starting with an empty model and combining each iteration with the previous. All models attached to the Mesh model input are merged with each iteration.
Reset accumulationArrayCSIRO::DataExecution::DependencyToggle this input to reset model accumulation.
Mesh modelArrayCSIRO::Mesh::MeshModelInterface

Mesh model arraysArrayCSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectArray

Mesh model dictsArrayCSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectDictionary

Mesh modelCSIRO::Mesh::MeshModelInterface