Workspace 7.0.2

Modifies the level-of-detail of the input MeshModelInterface. Reducing the level-of-detail of a mesh abstracts its surface by removing selected triangles in a way that maintains the important visual features of the mesh. This can be useful for improving performance of rendering or processing operations without majorly impacting the visual results. A reduced mesh size (in terms of memory / storage space) is another effect of applying this operation. NOTE: This operation will only LOD triangle element types. Other types will be ignored.

  • Default label: "LOD Mesh"
  • Member of plug-in: Mesh
  • Catalogue path: Mesh

LOD reductiondouble0->1 percentage to reduce the mesh
LODDeprecateddoubleThe level-of-detail error. A higher LOD value means that more triangles will be removed from the model. A value less than zero will disable this functionality. LOD error level input has been replace by the more intuitive 'LOD reduction' input - a 0->1 percentage deduction.
Pre-LOD merge distanceDeprecateddoubleNodes with a proximity of this distance will be merged together as a pre-processing step. This can help speed up the algorithm. A value less than zero will disable this functionality. Pre-LOD merge is a very inefficient implementation of the pre-process that should not be used.
Max tri normal change (deg)doubleThe maximum allowed change in a triangle's normal direction (in degrees). A smaller value will result in the output mesh having a closer resemblance to the input mesh, but the detail will be reduced less.
Min tri area/length ratiodoubleMinimum triangle area-to-length ratio allowed. This can help avoid splinters from being generated in the output mesh.
Free edge collapse angle (deg)doubleThe angle used to determine whether a free edge (non-manifold edge) should be collapsed when 'Preserve free edges' is enabled.
Max new edge lengthdoubleThe maximum allowed edge length of a triangle in the output mesh. Useful for models with large homogenous regions that will be LODed down to large, single triangles. This will ensure that the triangles produced have a maximum size.
Save node statesboolIf enabled, node states are created on the output mesh for values used to perform the LOD. This can be useful for debugging.
Preserve free edgesboolDo not collapse non-manifold edges unless angle change will be under 'Free edge collapse angle'
Stop at collapse numberintUpper bound on the number of collapse operations performed.
Trace Progressbool

If enabled, progress output is printed to the log.


Reduction %double

The percentage of triangles removed (0->1)