Workspace 7.0.2

Apart from its basic usage, this operation can be used to accumulate values into an ObjectDictionary each time the operation is updated. This is particularly useful inside loops to accumulate results at each loop iteration, although care must be taken to ensure dependencies are properly handled and to clear the contents when the loop is reset.

  • Default label: "Insert into ObjectDictionary"
  • Member of plug-in: Built-in
  • Catalogue path: Builtin/Objects
  • Polymorphic: InsertIntoObjectDictionary is a Polymorphic Operation. One or more of its inputs and outputs are not listed below because they are created dynamically whenever the operation changes its data type, and when it is first created.


Reset accumulationCSIRO::DataExecution::DependencyIf using this operation to accumulate objects inside a loop body over multiple iterations, this dependency can be connected to something upstream of the loop to clear previously accumulated objects
Accumulate each updateboolIf enabled, each time the operation is executed, it adds the object to existing objects added on past executes
Copy objectboolInsert a copy of the source object rather than adding it by reference

