Workspace 7.0.2

Takes a set of QImages and creates an ImageTileSet, laying them next to one another as tiles. The TileSet can be displayed using the ImageTileView widget.

  • Default label: "Create Image Tile Set"
  • Member of plug-in: Data analysis
  • Catalogue path: Images
ImagesArrayQImageText labels, one for each image. Comma or semicolon separated
Images (in arrays)ArrayCSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectArray

Images (in dictionaries)ArrayCSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectDictionary

LabelsQStringText labels, one for each image. Comma or semicolon separated
Images per lineintThe number of tiles per line in the output image. <=0 for auto
Size policyImageTileSet::SizePolicy

Font point sizedoubleFont point size for image labels. <0 for automatic.
LayoutQJsonDocumentThe layout document must be specified as a 2D array of image names or a 2D array of QJsonObject with key 'index' of string value and key 'rotation' of int type. e.g. [ [ { "index" : "0" "rotation" : 90 }, { "index" : "1" "rotation" : 180 } ], [ { "index" : "2" "rotation" : 200 }, { "index" : "3" "rotation" : 0 } ], ]
Automatic labelsboolAutomatic image labels derived from Operation input names, ObjectDictionary item names and ObjectArray indices. Any labels listed in Labels still take precedence
Normalize CV imagesbool

Apply a normalization function to the images so the full range is visible in widgets.
