Workspace 7.0.2

Creates a 3d height-map from a sub-set of an ArrayNd. The heights of the nodes represent the data values at each point in the input grid. The height-map extends along the XY plane, and its nodes protrude from the surface along the positive Z axis

  • Default label: "Create Heightmap from 3d Grid"
  • Member of plug-in: Mesh
  • Catalogue path: Mesh/
DataCSIRO::DataAnalysis::ArrayNdInput dataset used to generate the heightmap.
State dataArrayCSIRO::DataAnalysis::ArrayNdNOTE: Currently unused.
Width dimensionCSIRO::DataAnalysis::NamedDimensionRangeThe dimension of the input ArrayNd to use for the width of the height-map.
Length dimensionCSIRO::DataAnalysis::NamedDimensionRangeThe dimension of the input ArrayNd to use for the length of the height-map.
Cell dimensionsCSIRO::Mesh::Vector3dGroup

The dimensions of the cells in the height-map (in model space).

Height meshCSIRO::Mesh::MeshModelInterface

The height-map stored in a MeshModelInterface object.