Workspace 7.0.2

Creates a multi-dimensional grid plot from an ArrayNd dataset. The plot has a maximum of 4 dynamic dimensions; X and Y (shown as individual grids) and X-Panel and Y-Panel (as the larger 'grid of grids').

  • Default label: "Create grid plot"
  • Member of plug-in: Data analysis
  • Catalogue path: Data analysis/Grid plot

X dimensionCSIRO::DataAnalysis::NamedDimensionRange

Y dimensionCSIRO::DataAnalysis::NamedDimensionRange

X panel dimensionCSIRO::DataAnalysis::NamedDimensionRange

Y panel dimensionCSIRO::DataAnalysis::NamedDimensionRange

Fixed dimensionsCSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectArrayControls the values of all dimensions not displayed directly on the plot. I.e. for all remaining dimensions in the dataset not specified as X, Y, X-Panel or Y-Panel, provide an ObjectArray of NamedDimensionRange objects, each of size 1.

X dimension labelQString

Y dimension labelQString

Color scaleCSIRO::DataAnalysis::ColorScale

Enable smoothingboolIf enabled, bi-linear filtering is used to smooth pixels in between cells of the dataset.
Enable grid linesboolIf enabled, grid-lines are displayed on the results. WARNING: For large datasets this may produce undesired results.
Grid line colorQColor

Legend overlaysArrayCSIRO::DataAnalysis::ImageOverlay

Attach any number of image overlays to display on top of the grid plot.

Grid plotCSIRO::DataAnalysis::GridPlot