Workspace 7.0.2

Creates a DataSeriesMapper object which can be used to map the values in a DataSeries to alternative values. The specific mapping algorithm is defind at run-time through the use of the "Script" input.

  • Default label: "Create DataSeries Map from Script"
  • Member of plug-in: Data analysis
  • Catalogue path: Data analysis/Data collection
Function nameQStringThe name of the mapping function defined in the "Script" input.
ScriptQStringThe script containing the mapping function that is executed on each item in the DataSeries. The function must have the same name as specified in the "Function name" input, and must accept index and srcValue parameters.

Global variables that can be used from within the mapping function. These variables cannot be changed between data items.

DataSeries mapperCSIRO::DataAnalysis::ScriptedDataSeriesMapper

The resulting data mapper. Can be used with the MapDataSeries operation.