Workspace 7.0.2

Creates a color scale which associates a data range with a continuous color spectrum.

  • Default label: "ColorScale builder"
  • Member of plug-in: Data analysis
  • Catalogue path: Data analysis
TitleQStringThe title text that will appear alongside the color scale when displayed as a legend.
MinimumdoubleThe data value associated with the left-most color in the spectrum.
MaximumdoubleThe data value associated with the right-most color in the spectrum.
SpectrumCSIRO::DataAnalysis::ColorSpectrumThe palette of colors used in this color scale.
OrientationCSIRO::DataAnalysis::ColorScaleImage::OrientationSpecifies how the components of the color scale are arranged visually.
Values below rightboolIndicates that the data values should be displayed either below the spectrum (if oriented horizontally) or to the right of the spectrum (if oriented vertically).
Label intermediate valuesboolWhether or not to display the values of intermediate markers on the color scale.
Title always horizontalboolAlways display the title horizontally; even if the scale is oriented vertically.
Spectrum lengthintLength of the spectrum in pixels.
Spectrum depthintVertical depth of the spectrum in pixels.
Number formatCSIRO::DataAnalysis::ColorScaleImage::NumberFormatControls how numbers will be displayed alongside the color spectrum.
PrecisionintControls how many decimal places / significant digits are displayed.
Text colorQColor


Display numeric limitsboolWhether or not to display the min / max values on the color scale.
Use log10 scalebool

Scale is log base 10

Color scaleCSIRO::DataAnalysis::ColorScale

Color scale imageQImage

Image representation of the color scale for use in legends or as an overlay.