Workspace 7.0.2

Creates a new ClipRegion using an existing Region object. ClipRegions are used to "clip" geometry in a Scene, cutting away pieces of it so that internal or obscured parts of the geometry are visible.

  • Default label: "ClipRegion builder"
  • Member of plug-in: Rendering
  • Catalogue path: Scene/
EnabledboolIf enabled, the ClipRegion will be active in the Scene.
VisibleboolIf enabled, a 2D plane representing the ClipRegion will be visible in the Scene.
RegionCSIRO::Mesh::RegionThe geometric region defining which parts of the Scene will be clipped.
CriteriaCSIRO::Rendering::ClipRegion::ClipCriteriaControls the conditions for how to apply the region during clipping.

Clip RegionCSIRO::Rendering::ClipRegion