Workspace 7.0.2

Reduces the size of an ArrayNd (an array with N dimensions) by averaging its data values over a specific range. For example, if an ArrayNd object has 4 dimensions (X, Y, Z, W) with lengths (2, 3, 4, 5), we can average over each cell along the W dimension to produce a reduced array of size (2, 3, 4) - a 3 dimensional array.

  • Default label: "AverageArrayNd"
  • Member of plug-in: Data analysis
  • Catalogue path: Data analysis/Arrays
DataCSIRO::DataAnalysis::ArrayNdThe input dataset to average.
Average rangeArrayCSIRO::DataAnalysis::NamedDimensionRangeThe dimensions we wish to have averaged out of our dataset. These dimensions will not exist in output dataset.
Average range (array)CSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectArray

The dimensions we wish to have averaged out of our dataset. These dimensions will not exist in output dataset. Identical to "Average range" but the NamedDimensionRange objects are contained in a single ObjectArray.

Averaged dataCSIRO::DataAnalysis::ArrayNd