
Quantitative Imaging


Publications of year 1999
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. R. Beare and A. Bouzerdoum. Biologically inspired local motion detector architecture. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 16(9):2059-2068, 1999.
    author = {Beare, R. and Bouzerdoum, A.},
    title = {Biologically inspired local motion detector architecture},
    journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America},
    year = 1999,
    volume = 16,
    number = 9,
    pages = {2059-2068} 

  2. R. Jones. Connected Filtering and Segmentation using Component Trees. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 75(3):215--228, September 1999.
    author = {R. Jones},
    title = {Connected Filtering and Segmentation using Component Trees},
    journal = cviu,
    year = {1999},
    month = {September},
    volume = {75},
    number = {3},
    pages = {215--228} 

  3. C. Sun and D. Si. Fast Reflectional Symmetry Detection Using Orientation Histograms. Journal of Real-Time Imaging, 5(1):63--74, February 1999. [DOI]
    author = {C. Sun and D. Si},
    title = {Fast Reflectional Symmetry Detection Using Orientation Histograms},
    year = {1999},
    volume = {5},
    month = Feb,
    journal = jrti,
    number = {1},
    doi = {},
    pages = {63--74} 

Conference articles
  1. R. Beare and A. Bouzerdoum. Biologically Inspired Adaptive Neuro-filters. In 6th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, volume II, Perth, Australia, pages 813-818, 16-20 November 1999.
    author = "Beare, R. and Bouzerdoum, A.",
    title = "Biologically Inspired Adaptive Neuro-filters",
    booktitle = "6th International Conference on Neural Information Processing",
    year = "1999",
    OPTorganization = "",
    OPTpublisher = "",
    address = "Perth, Australia",
    month = "16-20 November",
    pages = {813-818},
    volume = {II},
    OPTnote = "",
    OPTannote = "" 

  2. R. Beare and H. Talbot. Exact Seeded Region Growing for Image Segmentation. In Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, Perth, Australia, pages 132--137, December 1999.
    author = {Beare, R. and Talbot, H.},
    title = {Exact Seeded Region Growing for Image Segmentation},
    booktitle = {Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications},
    pages = {132--137},
    year = {1999},
    OPTeditor = {},
    address = {Perth, Australia},
    month = {December},
    organization = {} 

  3. M. Berman, L. Bischof, and J. Huntington. Algorithms and software for the automated identification of minerals using field spectra or hyperspectral imagery. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applied Geologic Remote Sensing, volume 1, Vancouver, Canada, pages 222--232, 1999.
    author = {M. Berman and L. Bischof and J. Huntington},
    title = {Algorithms and software for the automated identification of minerals using field spectra or hyperspectral imagery},
    year = {1999},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applied Geologic Remote Sensing},
    volume = {1},
    address = {Vancouver, Canada},
    pages = {222--232} 

  4. L. Bischof, H. Talbot, E. Breen, D. Lovell, D. Chan, G. Stone, S. Menzies, A. Gutenev, and R. Caffin. An Automated Melanoma Diagnosis System. In Binh Pham, Michael Braun, Anthony J Maeder, and Michael P Eckert, editors, New Approaches in Medical Image Analysis, volume 3747, pages 130-141, 1999. SPIE.
    AUTHOR = {L. Bischof and H. Talbot and E. Breen and D. Lovell and D. Chan and G. Stone and S. Menzies and A. Gutenev and R. Caffin},
    BOOKTITLE = {New Approaches in Medical Image Analysis},
    EDITOR = {Binh Pham and Michael Braun and Anthony J Maeder and Michael P Eckert},
    PAGES = {130-141},
    VOLUME = {3747},
    TITLE = {An Automated Melanoma Diagnosis System},
    YEAR = {1999} 

  5. C. Sun. Multi-Resolution Stereo Matching Using Maximum-Surface Techniques. In Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, Perth, Australia, pages 195--200, 7-8 December 1999.
    author = {C. Sun},
    title = {Multi-Resolution Stereo Matching Using Maximum-Surface Techniques},
    year = {1999},
    volume = {},
    month = {7-8 December},
    booktitle = {Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications},
    editor = {},
    organization = {},
    pages = {195--200},
    publisher = {},
    address = {Perth, Australia} 

  6. C. Sun. Fast Optical Flow Using Cross Correlation and Shortest-Path Techniques. In Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, Perth, Australia, pages 143-148, 7-8 December 1999.
    author = {C. Sun},
    title = {Fast Optical Flow Using Cross Correlation and Shortest-Path Techniques},
    year = {1999},
    volume = {},
    month = {7-8 December},
    booktitle = {Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications},
    editor = {},
    organization = {},
    pages = {143-148},
    publisher = {},
    address = {Perth, Australia} 


Last modified: Sun Mar 9 14:22:31 2025
Maintained by: Changming Sun.

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