
Quantitative Imaging


Publications of year 1998
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. E.J. Breen. Morphological Segmentation on Non-image data: The Closing Function. In Henk J.A.M. Heijmans and Jos B.T.M. Roerdink, editors, Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing, Computational imaging and vision, pages 223--230. Kluwer, 1998. [bibtex-entry]

  2. C. A. Glasbey, M. Berman, and H. M. Hudson. Image analysis and tomography. In P. Armitage and T. Colton, editors,Encyclopaedia of Biostatistics, pages 1980--1998. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1998. [bibtex-entry]

  3. M. Berman and M.J. Buckley. Automated inspection, measurement and prediction using image analysis. The Quality Magazine, 7:69-72, 1998. [bibtex-entry]

  4. M. S. Brown, L. S. Wilson, B. D. Doust, R. W. Gill, and C. Sun. Knowledge-Based Method for Segmentation and Analysis of Lung Boundaries in Chest X-ray Images. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 22(6):463--477, November-December 1998. [DOI] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles
  1. C. Evans, R. Jones, and I. Svalbe. Field boundary segmentation in multispectral satellite images. In T. Schenk, editor, ISPRS Commission III Symposium: Object Recognition and Scene Classification from Multispectral and Multisensor Pixels, Columbus, pages 213-217, July 1998. ISPRS. [bibtex-entry]

  2. I. Frydendal and R. Jones. Segmentation of sugar beets using image and graph processing. In S. Venkatesh A. Jain and B. Lovell, editors, 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Brisbane, pages 1697-1699, August 1998. IEEE Computer Society Press. [bibtex-entry]

  3. P. Soille and H. Talbot. Image structure orientation using mathematical morphology. In S. Venkatesh A. Jain and B. Lovell, editors, 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, volume 2, Brisbane, Australia, pages 1467-1469, August 1998. IEEE Computer Society. [bibtex-entry]

  4. H. Talbot, C. Evans, and R. Jones. Complete Ordering and Multivariate Mathematical Morphology. In H. Heijmans and J. Roerdink, editors, Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing, Amsterdam, pages 27-34, 1998. Kluwer Academic Press. [bibtex-entry]


Last modified: Tue Feb 11 19:05:52 2025
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