
Quantitative Imaging


Publications of year 1994
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. E.J. Breen and D. Monro. An evaluation of priority queues for mathematical morphology. In J. Serra and P. Soille, editors,Mathematical morphology and its applications to image processing, pages 249--256. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.
    AUTHOR = {E.J. Breen and D.~Monro},
    TITLE = {An evaluation of priority queues for mathematical morphology},
    BOOKTITLE = {Mathematical morphology and its applications to image processing},
    PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
    YEAR = {1994},
    EDITOR = {J.~Serra and P.~Soille},
    PAGES = {249--256} 

  2. R. Adams and L. Bischof. Seeded region growing. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 16:641-647, 1994.
    author = {R. Adams and L. Bischof},
    title = {Seeded region growing},
    year = {1994},
    pages = {641-647},
    volume = {16},
    journal = pami 

  3. M. Berman. Automated smoothing of image and other regularly spaced data. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 16:460-468, 1994.
    author = {M. Berman},
    title = {Automated smoothing of image and other regularly spaced data},
    year = {1994},
    volume = {16},
    journal = pami,
    pages = {460-468} 

  4. M. Berman, L. Bischof, E.J. Breen, and G.M. Peden. Image Analysis. Materials Forum, 18:1-19, 1994.
    author = {M. Berman and L. Bischof and E.J. Breen and G.M. Peden},
    title = {Image Analysis},
    year = {1994},
    pages = {1-19},
    volume = {18},
    journal = {Materials Forum} 

  5. M. Berman, L. Bischof, S.J. Davies, A.A. Green, and M. Craig. Estimating band-to-band misregistrations in aliased imagery. CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, 56(6):479-493, 1994.
    author = {M. Berman and L. Bischof and S.J. Davies and A.A. Green and M. Craig},
    title = {Estimating band-to-band misregistrations in aliased imagery},
    year = {1994},
    volume = {56},
    number = {6},
    journal = cvgipgmip,
    pages = {479-493} 

  6. E.J. Breen. Regression methods for automated colour image classification and thresholding. J. Microsc., 174, 1994.
    author = {E.J. Breen},
    title = {Regression methods for automated colour image classification and thresholding},
    year = {1994},
    volume = {174},
    journal = {J. Microsc.},

  7. E.J. Breen and K.L. Williams. Optical flow analysis of the ventral cellular layer of the migrating Dictyostelium discoideum slug. Microbiology, 140:1241--1251, 1994.
    author = {E.J. Breen and K.L. Williams},
    title = { Optical flow analysis of the ventral cellular layer of the migrating Dictyostelium discoideum slug},
    year = {1994},
    volume = {140},
    journal = {Microbiology},
    pages = {1241--1251} 

  8. J. Broerse, R. Li, and R. Ashton. Ambiguous pictorial depth cues and perceptions of nonrigid motion in the three-loop figure. Perception, 23(9):1049--1062, 1994 .
     author = {Broerse, J. and Li, R. and Ashton, R.},
     title = {Ambiguous pictorial depth cues and perceptions of nonrigid motion in the three-loop figure},
     journal = {Perception},
     volume = {23},
     number = {9},
     pages = {1049--1062},
     year = {1994}

  9. M.J. Buckley. Fast computation of a discretized thin-plate smoothing spline for image data. Biometrika, 81:247--258, 1994.
    author = {Buckley, M.J.},
    title = {Fast computation of a discretized thin-plate smoothing spline for image data},
    year = {1994},
    pages = {247--258},
    volume = {81},
    journal = {Biometrika} 

  10. R. Jones and I. D. Svalbe. Algorithms for the decomposition of gray-scale morphological operations. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 16(16):581-588, 1994.
    author = {R. Jones and I. D. Svalbe},
    title = {Algorithms for the decomposition of gray-scale morphological operations},
    year = {1994},
    volume = {16},
    journal = pami,
    number = {16},
    pages = {581-588} 

  11. R. Jones and I. D. Svalbe. Morphologic filtering as template matching. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 16:438-443, 1994.
    author = {R. Jones and I. D. Svalbe},
    title = {Morphologic filtering as template matching},
    year = {1994},
    volume = {16},
    journal = pami,
    pages = {438-443} 

Conference articles
  1. M. S. Brown, R. W. Gill, T. Loupas, H. E. Talhami, L. S. Wilson, B. D. Doust, L. Bischof, E. J. Breen, Y. Jiang, and C. Sun. Model-Based Interpretation of Chest X-Rays. In A. H. Rowberg J. M. Boehme and N. T. Wolfman, editors, Computer Applications to Asist Radiology, pages 344--349, 1994. Symposia Foundation.
    author = {M. S. Brown and R. W. Gill and T. Loupas and H. E. Talhami and L. S. Wilson and B. D. Doust and L. Bischof and E. J. Breen and Y. Jiang and C. Sun},
    title = {Model-Based Interpretation of Chest {X}-Rays},
    year = {1994},
    month = {},
    volume = {},
    booktitle = {Computer Applications to Asist Radiology},
    editor = {J. M. Boehme,A. H. Rowberg and N. T. Wolfman},
    organization = {Symposia Foundation},
    pages = {344--349},
    publisher = {},
    address = {} 

  2. C. Sun and A.K. Forrest. Robust Estimation for Motion Parameters. In Edwin Hancock, editor, Proc British Machine Vision Conference, volume Two, University of York, UK, pages 741-750, 13-16 September 1994. BMVA Press.
    author = {C. Sun and A.K. Forrest},
    title = {Robust Estimation for Motion Parameters},
    year = {1994},
    month = {13-16 September},
    volume = {Two},
    booktitle = {Proc British Machine Vision Conference},
    editor = {Edwin Hancock},
    organization = {},
    pages = {741-750},
    publisher = {BMVA Press},
    address = {University of York, UK} 


Last modified: Sun Mar 9 14:22:31 2025
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