Demersal trawl
A standardised sample trawl that replicates the time and gear used on the RV Southern Surveyor in the 1990s survey of Bax & Williams (2001) brings the catch onto the back deck of RV Investigator which is then sorted in the Sheltered Science Area.
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The catch is sorted in the Sheltered Science Area and then moved into the Dirty Wet Lab for measuring and biological sampling.
The Multi-net / Mammoth net / Hydro-bios
SEA-MES collects samples of the water column biota by using gear that confusingly has 3 names: the Mammoth Net, the Hydro-bios net or the Multi-net. This gear consists of multiple nets that open at different depths to collect depth stratified samples.
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SEA-MES collects water samples in a rosette of (Niskin) bottles using a CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) instrument for physical and biological oceanographic data, including collection of eDNA samples, at interval depths.
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360 VR video is being reviewed
SEA-MES VR 360 videos can be viewed by clicking and dragging the cursor across the image and zooming in and out using the scroll wheel.