How does attitude to risk influence decision making?

July 2024

Webinar reporting on information from the GRDC RiskWi$e project looking at how attitude to risk influence decision making, with speakers Rick Lewellyn from CSIRO, David Pannell from UWA, Grower, Barry Mudge. Facilitated by John Cameron from ICAN.

1. Cultivating confidence in farming decision making by understanding and addressing risk.
Rick Llewellyn, CSIRO

2. Mental traps, biases and shortcuts that can affect our decision making under risk.
David Pannell, UWA

3. How do you make decisions with risk? The power of reflection and processes to aid your intuition and decision making.
Barry Mudge, LJ Mudge & Sons

N banking – role in northern region and probable risk/reward

July 2024

Reporting on information from the GRDC RiskWi$e project with speakers James Hunt from University of Melbourne and Lindsay Bell and Rick Llewllyn from CSIRO. Facilitated by John Cameron from ICAN.

1. RiskWi$e – why this approach, what we want to achieve and why the startup focus on Nitrogen (N).
Rick Llewellyn, CSIRO

2. N banking – where does it sit to balance risk and reward.
James Hunt, University of Melbourne

3. The rate of N applied in any one crop is always wrong – can we be less wrong and how simulation modelling helps with risk-reward trade-offs
Lindsay Bell, CSIRO