August 2023
The first RiskWi$e conference was held in Sydney over Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 August 2023.

Group photo of attendees of the RiskWi$e workshop in Sydney, August 2023
Photo credit: ICAN
Day 1
Opened with an overview of the workshop’s agenda and objectives followed by an update from Graeme Sandral (GRDC) on the RiskWi$e initiative. Lindsay Bell and Rick Llewellyn (CSIRO) shared an overview of current progress, and the first part of action from the regions was presented by Action Research Groups (ARGs) prior to the morning break.
The second half of the morning agenda continued with videos/presentations of action from the regions, and a session exploring challenges, surprises, and lessons worth sharing, with presentations from ARG/Group members.
After lunch, the session focused on understanding farmer risk decision making – topics included influences on grower risk management (Kate Burke), experiences in decision making (ARGs/Groups), and behavioural research needs (National Project Lead (NPL), UWA & CSIRO).
The final session of day 1 investigated potential collaboration options for RiskWi$e with a key focus on climate information and forecasting. Peter Hayman (CSA) and Agri Climate Outlook explained the significance of decisions and information requiring identification by the initiative and covered tools available for risk analysis, climate data and weather forecasting.

Participants at the RiskWi$e (the National Risk Management Initiative) workshop, Sydney, 22-23 August 2023.
Day 2
Day 2 began with a session outlining nitrogen strategies and risk management. James Hunt provided an overview on the topic and discussed current N-focused programs in the field, followed by investigation into the support and needs for analysing trial data by Julia Easton and NPL. Time dedicated to reflection on, and discussion of N-related collaboration opportunities wrapped up the first session of day 2.
After the morning break, Lindsay Bell (CSIRO) led a discussion planning for non-nitrogen themes. Break out rooms were provided for small group discussion guided by key themes. A general discussion focused on participation in PAR was facilitated for the group and followed by a presentation on economic and risk analysis by NPL to conclude the session.
The closing session was centred around reflection and collaboration, summarising insights gathered over the 2-day workshop and a final discussion on effectively working together. Reflection and comments from GRDC’s Graeme Sandral concluded the day.

Participants at the RiskWi$e (the National Risk Management Initiative) workshop, Sydney, 22-23 August 2023.