
April 27th, 2021

The REID group is led by A/Prof Roslyn Hickson, a joint appointment between CSIRO and James Cook University. We have many collaborators.

Core Team

Name Role Affiliation Years
A/Prof Roslyn Hickson Science Leader CSIRO and James Cook University 2020–now
Dr Anjana Karawita Postdoctoral Fellow with expertise in veterinary pathology, genomics, and bioinformatics CSIRO CERC Fellow and JCU Adjunct Research Fellow 2021-2024
Dr Matt Ryan Postdoctoral Fellow with expertise in applied statistical modelling CSIRO CERC Fellow and JCU Adjunct Research Fellow 2023-now
Dr Justin Sexton Postdoctoral Fellow with expertise in applied statistical modelling CSIRO CERC Fellow and JCU Adjunct Research Fellow 2023-now
Dr Maryam Golchin Postdoctoral Fellow with expertise in computer science and machine learning CSIRO CERC Fellow and JCU Adjunct Research Fellow 2021-2022
Dr Kamran Najeebullah Research Scientist with expertise in network sciences, disease network analysis, optimisation, and AI CSIRO 2022-now
Ms Robyn Pearce Indigenous Graduate Fellow CSIRO and JCU student 2024-now
Ms Morgan Furlong Research Assistant JCU 2022
Ms Robyn Pearce Vacation Student CSIRO Summer of 2022-3
Mr Daniel Longmuir Vacation Student CSIRO Summer of 2022-3
Mr Peter Maskell Vacation Student CSIRO Summer of 2022-3
Ms Christine Little Vacation Student then RA CSIRO then JCU Summer of 2021-2, 2022
Ms Piper Rains Vacation Student CSIRO Summer of 2021-2
Ms Berta Blanch-Lázaro Postgraduate student placement CSIRO and Deakin University 2022
Ms Megan Teml Undergraduate student placement CSIRO and Deakin University 2023


As you’d expect, we have many collaborators to work towards resilience to emerging infectious diseases. If you think you should be here or are here by mistake, please let us know!

Name Affiliation
Dr Maryam Golchin CSIRO Research Scientist and JCU Adjunct Research Fellow
Dr Anjana Karawita CSIRO Senior Research Scientist and JCU Adjunct Senior Research Fellow
Dr Andrew Hoskins CSIRO
Dr Manuela Mendiolar CSIRO
Dr Brendan Trewin CSIRO
Mr Bishal Bhandari CSIRO
Dr Dean Paini CSIRO
Prof Emma McBryde JCU
Dr Hanna Grzybowska CSIRO
Dr Jess Liebig CSIRO
Dr Kamran Najeebullah CSIRO
Dr Kim Blasdell CSIRO
Prof Maxine Whittaker JCU
A/Prof Moreno Di Marco Sapienza University of Rome
A/Prof Paul Horwood JCU
Dr Peter Caley CSIRO
Dr Rachel Hay JCU
Prof Raja Jurdak QUT