Cloncurry Multi Element Toolkit and Laboratory

August 8th, 2022

Cloncurry METAL was a catalyst for the development of the Integrated Petrophysics methodology, a unique, world-leading approach to geoscience, which sets out to cross-correlate geoscience datasets via scale normalised relational data analysis. It produced geoscience data which is integrated-by-design and allows us to leverage a huge pool of geoscience knowledge by relating it to physical parameters, and then using those physical parameters to constrain geophysical targeting. By translating geochemistry to geophysics, we are addressing a major problem in mineral system science, that our mainly geochemical approach to mineral exploration is not scalar unless converted into physical parameters. This core science addresses major oversights in the current ‘Big Data’ trend in geosciences, allowing us to transform qualitative knowledge into quantitative data, and exposes flaws in commonly held assumptions through rigorous science.