Tau’ili’ili Polito Vili: Farmer

Tau’ili’ili Polito Vili is a farmer who has been growing produce such as coconut and taro since 2017 in the Lotofaga area. He is involved with Calcy Pacific Agencies and is a Grower Member of the Samoa Farmers Association, Apia, Samoa.
The area on which he farms on the island of Upolu contains the richest soil, which is excellent for planting any produce, as every harvest comes with flavoursome taste.
The whole idea of starting farming was to utilise available land where he grew up. Farming has always been a part of his family as it was his family’s main source of income for their education, church and family contribution, plus their daily needs and wants.
With he and his family’s current developments, more coconuts have been planted across the whole farm together with coral trees (gatae). These serve as ways of depleting the unwanted grass as they try to minimise the use of chemicals.
Mixed cropping is also present with Tahitian lime plants, vegetables such as cucumber, chayote squash (soko) and tropical flowers planted around his farm. This also brings beautiful colours with various combinations of produce planted together.