Binesh Prasad: Senior Agricultural Officer

Mr. Binesh Prasad [MAgri, PGDA, BAgri, DTA] holds the position of Senior Research Officer at the Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways, at the Koronivia Research Station in Fiji. With two decades of extensive experience in the field of agriculture, he specialises in subtropical and tropical production systems, particularly addressing issues related to postharvest losses.
His current research program is centred around advancing research in production and farming systems technologies and conserving plant genetic resources in Fiji. Mr. Prasad’s primary focus lies in the cultivation of root crops such as Dalo, Cassava, Kumala, and Yam. His ongoing research encompasses a wide range of topics, including the efficient use of fertilisers and nutrient uptake, the implementation of semi-mechanised farming systems with spacing trials, strategies to increase production and reduce post-harvest losses. The overarching goal of his work is to develop comprehensive production packages that can benefit transitional economies and contribute to food security and poverty alleviation efforts.