

The work on parkinsonia biological control has been generously supported by Meat & Livestock Australia (Projects B.NBP.0366; B.NBP.0620; B.WEE.0134; B.WBC.0060; B.WEE.0148), the Cattle Industry Funding Scheme (Department of Agriculture of Food WA) and the Australian Government’s Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (through the Rural R&D for Profit scheme; RnD4Profit-14-01-040).


The research, release and monitoring efforts presented in this project would not have been possible without the support of colleagues and collaborators from various government and non-government agencies that have facilitated and supported this work, to date. They include: NT Department of Land Resource Management (Bert Lukitsch, Lou Elliott, Natasha Burrows, Keith Ferdinands, Rowena Eastick, Piers Barrow, James Pratt); QLD Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Kelli Pukallus, Judy Clark, Shane Campbell); Fitzroy River & Coastal Catchments (Jeff Krause, Marina Wall, Kelly Smith, John Rodgers); QLD Wild River Ranger Program (Mark Hogno, Lance Rapson); Department of Agriculture and Food WA (Kay Bailey, Mick Everett, Callum MacDonald, Tracey Vinnicombe); the Pilbara Mesquite Management Group (Linda Anderson, Jo Kuiper); National Prickle Bush Management Group (Nathan March); CSIRO (Mexico: Ricardo Segura, Moises Martinez; Brisbane: Dalio Mira, Arelie Mira); and Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas, Argentina (Fernando McKay, Juan Briano, Guillermo Cabrera Walsh). Collaboration of the Fundación Para El Estudio De Especies Invasivas, Argentina was vital for the native range research on biological control agents released in this project. The exportation of the biological control agents from Argentina were made under permits from the Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable of Argentina (Permit N° 33952/12; 03982/13) and Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (DNPV Permit N° 599/12; 129/13). Importation and release of the biological control agents in Australia were made under Commonwealth of Australia permits (IP12015739; IP12015735; IP09095710; IP13002539) and Biosecurity WA Permits (00767; 00768; 00770; 001537; 002098; 002100). Copies of these permits are available on request from CSIRO.