The National Soil Monitoring Program aims to collect approximately 30,000 soil samples from 3,000 sites across Australia between 2024-2028.
The purpose of the NSMP is to monitor agreed national soil health indicators and to use the data to help understand soil condition and trends.
In partnership with DAFF, CSIRO has designed the Project to:
- Collect and collate strategic, nationally consistent, soil monitoring data
- Monitor soil state and trend to soil processes and properties that can be correlated with land use, land management practices and productivity
- Provide information to help with strategic decisions to guide soil related sustainable productive agriculture outcomes
Over the next 4 years CSIRO will deliver the Project through six main activities:
- National Coordination
- Field sampling and soil assessment – 3000 sites over the life of the program to 30 June 2028
- Laboratory analysis – 30,000 soil samples
- Archiving
- Data Management
- Analysis and reporting