Sites (Soil Monitoring Network)

Sites were chosen using a statistical sampling design to ensure adequate representation of soil class, land use and climate regions across Australia.

Sites (Soil Monitoring Network)

Legend AbbreviationAustralian Land Use & Management Classification Version (October 2016)Description
DRY+CROPClass 3.3.0Dryland cropping
GRAZ+MOD+PASClass 3.2.0Dryland grazing modified vegetation
GRAZ+NAT+VEGClass 2.1.0Grazing native vegetation
IRRI+CROPClass 4.3.0Irrigated cropping
IRRI+HORTClass 4.5.0Irrigated seasonal horticulture
IRRI+PASClass 4.2.0Grazing Irrigated modified pasture
PLANT+FORClass 3.1.0Dryland plantation forests
PRO+NAT+FORClass 2.2.0Production native forests
referenceArGenerally, area with minimal management within the monitoring unitNSMP reference site location