
Current Data61 team

Mahesh PrakashMahesh Prakash Dr Mahesh Prakash is a senior principal research scientist and group leader in the CSIRO Data61 business unit. His key research interests include the application of computational methods to natural hazards phenomenon, integration of modelling, analytics and GIS to improve disaster preparedness and the exploration of new modelling approaches to developing mitigation strategies against natural hazards.
imgresVincent Lemiale Dr Vincent Lemiale is a senior research scientist and team leader of the Natural Systems Modelling team in the CSIRO Data61 business unit. Since joining CSIRO in 2007 he has been involved in numerous multi-disciplinary projects across CSIRO. As a result he has developed a broad range of research interests including computational modelling of natural hazards such as bushfires and landslides, along with development and applications of advanced computational methods in the field of solid mechanics.
James HiltonJames Hilton Dr James Hilton is a senior research scientist in the Data61 business unit in CSIRO. He joined CSIRO in 2007 as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Prior to this, he was a postdoctoral researcher working in the Complex Systems group in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. His research interests are in the fields of applied computational fluid and solid dynamics. His current projects involve the development of the propagation model within the Spark and Swift frameworks, as well as research into the fundamental behaviour of fire propagation.
Ray_photoRaymond Cohen Dr Raymond Cohen is a Senior Research Scientist within Data61’s Computational Modelling Group who specialises in computational modelling of urban flooding, fluid dynamics and biomechanics. His application areas include urban flood modelling and adaptation assessment; elite sports modelling of platform diving and swimming; and strategic research into automated motion capture. Raymond holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Melbourne. Marquez Dr. Leorey Marquez is a Senior Research Scientist with Data61. He has specialist expertise in mathematical modelling and land-use transport environment modelling. He received degrees in Statistics and Operations Research from the University of the Philippines and a Ph.D. in Communications and Information Science from the University of Hawaii. His areas of research include land use-transport-environment modelling, network optimisation, expert systems, and object-oriented analysis and design.
Photo_of_WillWilliam Swedosh William Swedosh works at CSIRO as a graduate fellow in the Data61 business unit. William obtained his Bachelor’s degrees in Science and Mechanical Engineering from Monash University, during which he completed an honours project on simulating the running of legged robots. Before joining CSIRO in 2015, William worked as an engineer in the offshore and mining industries, developing his skills in modelling and simulation, programming, and software development. William’s current work focuses predominantly around the development and testing of the Spark framework well as working on other bushfire related projects.

Current students

  • Shaohan Zhao, PhD student (Monash University)
  • Andrea Massetti, PhD student (Monash University)
  • Laura Karantgis, PhD student (La Trobe University)
  • Jihane Elyahyioui, PhD Student (Monash University)
  • Vivek Francis, PhD Student (Monash University)
  • Yunze Wang, PhD Student (University of Adelaide)
  • Jayaram Pudashine, PhD Student (Monash University)