Climate Impacts & Adaptation

We work with Australian and International managers, government agencies and industry to proactively respond and adapt to climate change through the delivery of climate adaptation tools, advanced forecasting, and innovative climate-resilient management strategies.

Australia’s oceans are rapidly changing as the climate becomes warmer and more variable.

The effects of past and present human activities have committed the world to at least a further 0.5-1oC of average warming, with further changes across all ocean processes expected. 

Over the next twenty years Australia’s marine ecosystems are expected to exhibit some of the largest climate-driven changes in the Southern Hemisphere.  These changes will extend from the ecosystems to the local communities and seafood businesses. 

Navigating a sustainable path forward requires close collaboration between science, industry, policy makers and communities. This begins with making sure information on the implications and impacts of climate change for Australian marine systems is readily accessible, fit for purpose and easily interpretable and usable. Such access will allow for all concerned to plan their operations, to avoid or mitigate negative impacts, and to make the most of new opportunities that arise.

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Senior Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Environment