Dr R. (Rod) J. Hill
Named in 2003 after Dr R. (Rod) J. Hill
A phosphate mineral from Reaphook Hill, South Australia
This mineral was named in honour of Dr Rod Hill who first described the mineral and recognised it as potentially a new mineral species.
Rod obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Adelaide in 1975, and after working at several research establishments overseas, he joined CSIRO Mineral Chemistry in Melbourne in 1980.
His major research contribution was to crystal structure determination from powder samples with the development of the sophisticated Rietveld refinement program. He also made major discoveries in lead-acid battery research, quantitative phase analysis and materials characterisation.
Rod became Chief of CSIRO Minerals in 1998 and after leaving CSIRO in 2007 he was Pro Vice Chancellor, Industry Engagement & Commercialisation at Monash University (2007-2013), before returning to CSIRO as a Honorary Fellow in 2013.
Rod’s honours include a QE II Fellowship (1978), RACI Solid State Division Medal (1987), CSIRO David Rivett Medal (1988), Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (1999) and a Centenary Medal (2001) for services to Australian science and technology. Rod was awarded a D.Sc. from the University of Adelaide in 1991.

Dr Rod Hill

Crystals of hillite

Structure of hillite