Trace Ti in quartz

Natural quartz samples can have wide concentration ranges for many trace elements ~e.g., Ti, Al, Li, Fe, K, varying from sub-ppm up to several hundred ppm depending on conditions and mode of formation. For example, hydrothermal “vein” quartz associated with various types of ore deposits often has distinctive ranges of Ti, Al, and other elements reflecting specific compositions and temperatures of associated mineralizing or metamorphic fluids. Ti contents in metamorphic and igneous quartz samples also display significant ranges and vary with inferred crystallization temperature or other factors


Leeman, W. P., MacRae, C. M., Wilson, N. C., Torpy, A., Lee, C. T., Student, J. J., Thomas, J. B., & Vicenzi, E. P. (2012). A study of cathodoluminescence and trace element compositional zoning in natural quartz from volcanic rocks: mapping titanium content in quartz. Microsc Microanal, 18(6), 1322-1341.

Vasyukova, O. V., Goemann, K., Kamenetsky, V. S., MacRae, C. M., & Wilson, N. C. (2013). Cathodoluminescence properties of quartz eyes from porphyry-type deposits: Implications for the origin of quartz. American Mineralogist, 98(1), 98-109.