TJ wins CSIRO Award

December 3rd, 2019

TJ was recently awarded for their work in educating others around transgender issues at CSIRO. Read on to find out more and why we are so proud of TJ!!!

CSIRO Medal for Diversity and Inclusion

The medal recognises and promotes outstanding work in diversity and inclusion, either by directly advancing our diversity and inclusion objectives or by demonstrating impact arising from inclusive and diverse teams. 

AWARDED TO: Transgender Awareness in CSIRO, TJ Lawson and Annie Archer

TJ Lawson is a transgender member of staff. They have been a CSIRO employee for more than ten years. TJ worked with HR Manager Annie Archer to co-develop a training program on inclusion for transgender staff. The four half-day information sessions were conducted in early 2019 to more than 50 CSIRO leaders at the Hobart site.

TJ was brave enough to stand up and tell their story, which had a profound impact on all attendees as they learnt about the challenges facing transgender colleagues, not only in the workplace but in life generally. The course was described as a powerful development program with overwhelmingly positive feedback.

TJ showed great courage and Annie showed great leadership, and together great determination. United they have driven a step‑change improvement in CSIRO’s culture of awareness, action and inclusivity. They have both played an integral role in driving organisational and cultural change.