Stormwater Gross Pollutant Trap Survey information

December 6th, 2022

The federal government has asked CSIRO to help identify ways to reduce litter from leaking into our oceans via stormwater systems. We are reaching out to you since YOU are the experts!

In this survey, we are giving you the opportunity to voice your thoughts about the role and use of gross pollutant traps (GPTs). Feel free to also get in touch to chat further (

Project overview
Plastic pollution harms our wildlife, is detrimental to human health and impacts our economy. To take effective action on plastic pollution we first need to understand the primary sources, where it travels and where it accumulates. In Australia, the majority of our plastic pollution escapes to the environment via stormwater systems.

CSIRO has been asked by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) to conduct a review of current stormwater practices and make recommendations for reducing plastic from entering the environment via stormwater assets moving forward.

Project purpose and funding

The purpose of this project is to collate the current stormwater practices within Australia in terms of monitoring regimes, policy approaches, current practices, etc. from the perspective of litter as a pollutant. From here, gaps in stormwater asset management will be identified and key recommendations will be made to improve best practice for reducing plastic pollution from entering the environment via stormwater systems in Australia. This survey will help us understand the effectiveness of gross pollutant traps in this space. 
The project is part of CSIRO’s marine debris research program in CSIRO’s Oceans & Atmosphere Business Unit and is being funded by DCCEEW.

What does participation involve?
We are inviting organisations who work in the stormwater space in Australia to participate. Organisations will be invited to participate in an online survey asking questions about the effectiveness of gross pollutant traps in this space. Participants will also be given the opportunity to make recommendations for improvements.  
Participants will be given the opportunity to have further discussions with CSIRO team members if they feel necessary.
The project results will be communicated in publicly available reports and research findings may also be disseminated to the science community through the publication of an academic paper or conference presentation.
The survey data may also be kept and used by CSIRO in a de-identified form for future research on plastic pollution.
There are no foreseeable risks associated with participating in the online stormwater survey or further discussions with CSIRO. Any one-on-one discussions will be held online or in a COVID safe environment and State Health COVID safe requirements will be followed. Whilst your participation in this project may not benefit you directly, your organisations willingness to share key knowledge about the current state of stormwater in Australia will contribute to a greater understanding of the current stormwater management gaps and potentially guide future practices.   
You will have the option to remain anonymous, and you will only be asked to share what you are comfortable with. We will be happy to discuss and address any concerns regarding confidentiality of survey results.

Withdrawal from the research project
Participation in this project is completely voluntary and you do not have to take part. Your decision whether to participate will not affect your current or future relationship with the researchers or anyone else at CSIRO. If there is any part of the process/survey you prefer not to discuss, you only need to contribute what you wish. You may also skip any questions you do not wish to answer. Similarly, you are free to leave the online survey at any time.

No personal detail of participants will be collected, only organisation details (with permission). Any information collected as part of this study will be securely stored as per CSIRO’s Recordkeeping Procedure.

Ethics clearance and contacts
This study has been approved by CSIRO’s Social Science Human Research Ethics Committee in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 (Updated 2018). If you have any questions concerning your participation in the project, please contact the researchers via their contact details provided. Alternatively, any concerns or complaints about the conduct of this study can be raised with the Executive Manager of Social Responsibility and Ethics on +61 7 3833 5693 or by email at

Dr Denise Hardesty                                                                       
Senior Principal Research Scientist                                             
CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere 

Ms Jessica Lear
Director of Domestics Plastics Policy
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

If you consent to take part in this survey, please click the ‘Here‘ to begin.