Ending Plastic Waste Symposium 2024

August 19th, 2024

Early August, part of the Marine Debris team attended the Ending Plastic Waste Symposium 2024 (Melbourne, 6th & 7th August 2024). The symposium co-organised by CSIRO, RMIT and the recently created Solving Plastic Waste CRC brought together over 300 stakeholders that have the same goals: reduce plastic litter entering the environment. More details on the symposium can be found here.


Kathy and Olivia both had their posters on display during the poster session whilst Fereshteh presented her work in advancing AI for automated marine litter detection and management as part of a panel on “Environmental detection and remediation”.


Kathy Willis presented a poster summarizing the Marine Debris recently published book (here) titled  “Ending Plastic Waste: Community Actions Around the World”.
Olivia Wu presented her work titled “Increasing efficiency in floating plastic litter detection”.

Fereshteh Nayyeri sat on panel on plastic Environmental detection and remediation.