Ending Plastic Waste mission launch

April 6th, 2022

In March, Denise and Qamar travelled to Sydney to launch CSIRO’s Ending Plastic Waste mission. The mission brings together $50 million of investment in tackling the plastic waste crisis. 

Launching the mission was a significant milestone for the team who have been working tirelessly to develop the mission since 2019. Congratulations to all who have been involved! 

CSIRO’s mission program sees us focusing on large scale, major research collaborations to solve the nation’s greatest challenges. The Ending Plastic Waste (EPW) mission is a fantastic example of this, bringing together government, industry and our researchers to develop cutting-edge science and innovation to change the way Australia makes, uses, recycles and disposes of plastics. 

The mission’s goal is to reduce plastic waste entering the environment by 80% by 2030 – an ambitious and important target! 

Denise and Qamar both have lead roles within the mission while much of the team work on smaller mission projects. 

The event was a success and had major media coverage. For example, it was a major news story in the Channel 10 news bulletin. 

Denise and Qamar both have lead roles within the mission while much of the team work on smaller mission projects. 

Click here for more information about the mission.